Canada has officially announced new sanctions against 13 high-ranking officials from Myanmar’s military council, including generals, ministers, and deputy ministers, along with three organizations, as declared by the Canadian Foreign Minister on March 8. These sanctions are implemented in response to the military council’s continued oppression of Myanmar’s people and are intended to increase international pressure on the regime. The sanctions target individuals directly involved in the military council’s operations and decision-making processes.
In Papun Township, Karen State, the military council conducted an airstrike on a monastery in Kyauk Kwin village despite there being no active fighting in the area. The resident abbot, Venerable Bhaddanta Visudha, was killed in the bombing. This incident starkly contradicts the military council’s frequent claims of protecting Buddhism in Myanmar. Local residents reported that the attack was unprovoked and occurred in a purely civilian area. The bombing of the monastery demonstrates the military council’s disregard for religious institutions and sacred sites, despite their public assertions of defending Buddhist values.
In Nyaung-U Township, Mandalay Region, two military council-appointed officials were killed in a shooting incident. The victims were identified as administrator Htun Wai and Pyu Saw Htee member Soe Lwin, both of whom were actively involved in the military council’s administrative structure and had been implementing the council’s policies in the local area. Both individuals died immediately after being shot. This incident reflects the continuing deterioration of the military council’s administrative control and the growing resistance against their authority in various parts of the country. The event also highlights the increasing challenges faced by those who choose to work within the military council’s administrative system.