Two young men have reached the People’s Defense Force (PDF) in Myeik after escaping from forced military recruitment, following their deportation from Thailand’s Ranong city where they were initially detained. The two individuals, identified as Thant Naing Htwe (aka) Su Su and Naing Win Htun, are among 16 youths who managed to flee from military recruitment. According to La Yaung, the information officer of Myeik PDF, four of the escapees were recaptured by the military council forces during their escape, while the remaining 10 have reached safe locations. The group initially made contact with the PDF through regional authorities, primarily because many of them were natives of Dawei.
The sequence of events began when these individuals were first detained in Thailand’s Ranong city before being deported back to Myanmar. Upon their return, they were transferred to Kawthaung city and subsequently taken to Infantry Battalion 431, where they were forcibly recruited as soldiers. After spending approximately seven days at Infantry Battalion 431, they were transported by boat to Shwe Du Education School in Myeik Township. At this location, which was being used as Training Course No. 9 for military recruits, they stayed for two days before orchestrating their escape at around 1:30 AM on February 3rd. During the escape attempt, while 16 people initially fled, four were unfortunately recaptured by the military council on February 4th.
La Yaung, the information officer of Myeik PDF, has urged other individuals who have been forcibly recruited into military service to seek refuge with the People’s Defense Forces and stand with the public. He emphasized the importance of civilians in major cities and villages remaining vigilant to avoid becoming hostages of the military council. The successful escape of these individuals highlights the ongoing practice of forced military recruitment by the military council, as well as the risks people face when attempting to flee such conscription. The PDF continues to provide necessary assistance and secure escape routes for those seeking to escape forced military service, working through regional networks to help those in need reach safety.