The military council has forcibly demolished more than 80 houses along the Mandalay-Mattaya road in Kwa Ni Kan village, Patheingyi Township, Mandalay Region, using excavators and bulldozers under the pretext of road boundary clearance. According to an official from MDY Revolution, the demolition was carried out by over 50 military personnel between March 4 and March 6, systematically destroying homes on both the eastern and western sides of the main road. The destruction was conducted without any prior notice to residents, and civilians were not even allowed to collect their belongings before their homes were demolished.
The destroyed houses were long-standing family homes that had been established for many years before being illegally demolished by the military council under the claim of road boundary enforcement. The affected residents are now facing severe accommodation challenges, with most seeking temporary shelter with relatives. During the demolition, military personnel arrested those attempting to photograph or document the destruction, while armed Pyu Saw Htee members threatened people to prevent them from taking pictures of the ongoing demolition. The military’s actions have left dozens of families displaced and without access to their possessions.
Human rights observers note that this forcible demolition of civilian homes, in violation of legally protected rights, represents another form of the military council’s systematic oppression of the people. Local sources indicate that while similar demolitions have occurred in the past, this incident marks the largest-scale destruction to date. The military council continues to systematically violate basic human rights and disregard legal protections for civilians, according to activists. The demolition has caused significant material losses and displacement among the affected communities, highlighting the ongoing pattern of civilian persecution by the military authorities.