According to military sources in Naypyidaw, the military council has begun summoning various organizations from across the country to welcome Min Aung Hlaing upon his return from Russia. The summoned groups include artists from the Myanmar Motion Picture Organization, singers, comedians, the Young Men’s Buddhist Association (YMBA), other military council-affiliated organizations, non-CDM civil servants, high school students, and various groups associated with the military. These organizations have been instructed to gather in Naypyidaw for the welcoming ceremony.
The welcoming ceremony planned for March 9th in Naypyidaw is being organized on a larger and more elaborate scale compared to previous trips. Plans include traditional drum performances along the route from Naypyidaw Airport, with musical bands and traditional percussion groups participating in the event. Sources from Naypyidaw confirm that welcome banners are already being printed. The extensive preparations are reportedly due to the perceived success of this particular Russia trip. Military sources indicate that various groups have been called to arrive in Naypyidaw in advance of the ceremony.
Previous overseas trips have featured welcoming ceremonies attended by military-supporting celebrities including Academy Award winners Sein Yaw Maung Maung, May Thinzar Nu, May Thinzar Oo, Yan Aung, Khant Si Thu, Soe Myat Thu Zar, comedian Dain Daung and his group, and singer Yon Lay, who are expected to participate in this ceremony as well. The expenses for the welcoming ceremony, including daily allowances for participants, will be covered by various government ministries and military-affiliated businesses. The military council is reportedly emphasizing the importance of making this welcoming ceremony particularly grand and impressive compared to previous occasions.