Two military-appointed administrators in Bago Region’s Oaktho Township and Magway Region’s Taungdwingyi Township were killed by revolutionary forces after forcibly collecting military service fees from civilians. In Oaktho Township, administrator Myint Oo was attacked while driving his Ford vehicle through farmland around 3 PM on March 6 by the Sayawaddy District Battalion 3801’s 5th Company Hero Guerrilla Force. Myint Oo was known for leading forced porter recruitment of youth in the village and collaborating with the military to collect extortion money and taxes.
Myint Oo had been pressuring the local police station to collect military service fees from households with young people and had been challenging the PDF forces, calling them ‘stray dogs.’ During the attack, he abandoned his vehicle and tried to escape into the farmland but was shot and killed. The resistance forces seized his Ford vehicle and a mobile phone. He was notorious for leading the arrest of youth for forced labor and collaborating with the terrorist military to forcibly collect taxes and fees.
In Taungdwingyi Township, administrator Win Than of Kan Gyi Kone village was attacked in his home around 1:30 PM on March 6. He was hit by 4 bullets and died instantly. Win Than had been forcibly collecting monthly fees of 30,000 kyats per household as military service fees, demanding electricity meter payments, and misappropriating road development funds in collaboration with the terrorist military. The attack was jointly carried out by the Magway Guerrilla Force and the Dragon King People’s Defense Force.
The revolutionary forces have announced they will continue fighting until the military dictatorship is completely eliminated. They warned civilians to avoid the terrorist military, Pyu Saw Htee militia members, and their collaborators. They also called on military supporters to join the People’s Defense Forces and urged public participation in the revolution. The resistance groups emphasized their commitment to continue operations until the complete defeat of the military dictatorship, while encouraging more public support and participation in the revolutionary movement.