A new recruit from Electric Workshop Unit 151 in Hpa-an, Karen State, and a Sergeant Major from Infantry Battalion 269 in Tedim, Chin State, have defected from the military council forces to join the people’s resistance. Private Hein Htet Aung contacted the Southern Military Region of the People’s Defense Force and defected on January 6. His story began when he was traveling from Mandalay to Yangon for work transfer when he was detained and interrogated by military council troops. He was suspected of being a PDF member because his national ID number contained ‘8’.
The military council soldiers gave him an ultimatum – either join the army or work as a fisherman at sea. Realizing there would be no escape if sent to sea, he was forced to join the military. During training, he endured severe abuse and mistreatment from superior officers. He was struck on the ear for allegedly using too much water, resulting in the loss of hearing in one ear. He completed military training on April 26, 2024, and was assigned to Electric Workshop Unit 151 in Hpa-an on May 5.
Private Hein Htet Aung tried various ways to escape from under the military council’s control and has now decided to fight back against the oppressive regime as a member of the People’s Defense Force. The Southern Military Region has warned that those conscripted under the military service law will have no way out and will be sent to dangerous frontline positions. They will not be allowed to return to rear positions, so people are advised to avoid military service if possible.
Similarly, Sergeant Major Min Min from Infantry Battalion 269 in Tedim, Chin State, defected to PDF Zoland on February 25, bringing weapons and ammunition with him. These defections continue to occur due to the oppression and human rights violations taking place within the military council forces. The increasing number of defections reflects the deteriorating conditions and morale within the military council’s ranks as soldiers choose to stand with the people rather than continue serving under an oppressive regime.