BAGO DIVISION – The terrorist junta army carried out drone strikes and artillery attacks on monastery and villages in Kyaukgyi Township, killing a 16-year-old girl, injuring a monk and a civilian, Supreme Headquarters of Karen National Union reported.
On February 2, at 1:10 p.m., the terrorist junta army dropped three bombs on Ka Nyin Kyo Village, injuring 52-year-old Ms. Kyu Kyu, and destroying four houses.
On February 3, the terrorist junta’s Infantry Battalion – 264, based in Pein Za Loke, fired incendiary bombs with 120 mm artillery at Ah Hlaing Village, killing 16-year-old Ms. Su Mon, who lived in the village, and destroying two houses.
On February 4, at around 9:00 a.m., the Infantry Battalion – 264 fired two more 120 mm artillery shells at Taung Khin Village, which exploded inside the monastery in the village, injuring U Zin Okkantha, 60, and damaging the monastery.