MAGWAY DIVISION: The atrocious junta’s army deploying military action in Salin township, Magway division had fired the heavy artillery which caused the death of a civilian. They then burned down two villages and looted the properties of the civilians, reported by Mr. Htoo Lay, a responsible person of Daung Sitt Aung Local People’s Defence Force.
About (300) Junta’s soldiers from the atrocious junta’s army battalion 253, 254 and 255 who were deploying the military action in Salin township reportedly burned down Ohntaw village and Kahnyat village at around 10 a.m. and 12 noon on January 30 without any reason.
They atrocious junta’s soldiers intentionally looted the properties of the civilians from those villages. Current, thousands of civilians from nearby villages including Ohntaw village and Kahnyat village are fleeing for their lives and safety.
That atrocious junta’s military column has reportedly led to Tawtwin village, Tharsi village, Moewin village and Thayetchin village from the north of Salin since January 28 to deploy the military action. Throughout their way, they recklessly fired 81 mm shells, which fell and exploded into Moewin village. The explosion caused the death of a civilian and two to get wounded.
“The military column of the junta’s dogs (nickname of soldiers) was known to keep marching . On the first day of their military operation, their reckless heavy artillery killed a civilian from Moewin village and two to get wounded. Today the atrocious junta’s military dogs’ column burned down Ohntaw village and Kahnyat village,” said by Mr. Htoo Lay, a responsible person of Daung Sitt Aung Local People’s Defence Force.
Currently, the military column of the atrocious junta’s soldiers were known to be near Ohntaw village and Kahnyat village. The casualties of the villages could not be confirmed yet.