SAGAING DIVISION – An official of Kanbalu Activists Group reported that the terrorist junta soldiers based in Karboe Pyu Saw Htee Village advanced Bugyi Village and captured more than 50 civilians for no reason.
The junta thugs and armed militias Pyu Saw Htee of 100 troops in three vehicles came out from Karboe Village at about 10:15 a.m. on November 4 and raided Bugyi Village, captured the civilians, and held a meeting.
After meeting at about 1 p.m., more than 50 civilians from Bugyi Village were taken to Kanbalu tank battalion 6006.
“We have not yet confirmed why they were taken and the purpose was. Such events also happened in Aingpaungchaung Village on October 30. A total of 37 people were captured,” said an official from the Kyunhla-Kanbalu Activists Group.