MYANMAR – Several fresh recruits from the first batch of military conscription reported that the fresh recruits sent to the frontline are being fed drugs by junta officers, saying that it will keep them awake and help with their stamina.
One fresh recruit from the first batch of conscription, sent to the frontline at Pinlaung, southern Shan State, shared that his officer, a captain, handed out methamphetamine pills, saying that supplements are necessary to stay alert at the frontline, taught them how to use them, and told them to come to him if they want more, adding that the cost of the drug will be deducted from the salary.
“We were issued pills and told that it would help with our stamina and lack of sleep. We were also given a bottle, a straw and foil sheet and taught how to use the drugs, from lighting it to breathing it in. I have tried drugs before but have quit. I was aware that they were making us use drugs, so I didn’t use them. The other new recruits followed along. The captain would use himself and also encouraged the others to use drugs. Those who don’t want to use it can avoid using it. He didn’t force it. We can ask for drugs from him, and it will be deducted from our salary later. He would tally and record it in his accounts,” explained the recruit, who finished his training at No. 1 Advanced Military Training School in Taikgyi.
He added that packets of methamphetamine are delivered together with military rations when the junta council sends supplies of rations and salary to the frontline camps and that it is implied the use of drugs in the military is officially permitted.
“Where would we get methamphetamine in the jungles? The pills are delivered together with the ration delivery. The rations are arranged by the military, so we have to message them what we want. Then they will be delivered. After around three months, a new group will be sent from the rear to exchange troops. The rations are not delivered in huge batches, only enough for about 15 days. The point is we can order as many drugs as we want. We can use as much as we want. Many do use it. Because we are in the jungles, there is nothing for entertainment, just drugs and alcohol,” continued the recruit.
Although the fresh recruits currently deployed in Pinlaung regularly receive their salaries, most of it was spent on drugs. Moreover, they were promised a salary of MMK 510,000 but are only paid MMK 170,000 in reality. So they are not paid the full salary, and what little salary they receive is also mostly spent on drugs.
The junta council began the first batch of military conscription in May, and it has now reached the sixth batch.