SHAN STATE- A resident of Lashio said that the clashes are still going on in the morning of today (July 24) in the city (of Lashio) in northern Shan State.
The MNDAA and resistance forces started the offensive battle to take over Lashio on July 3. Clashes go on daily for three weeks and some of the military council battalions have been captured by the MNDAA.
“The battle is still going on today. The Kokang (MNDAA) troops have reached the ward 7 and 8,” said a resident.
The resident also said that most of the locals are fleeing the war.
There was a spreading news on social media about the Lashio prison breaking open and the prisoner got out. Regarding that news, a Lashio resident said, “Until today (July 24) the prison is not broken yet.”
A resident who informs the situation in Lashio every day stated on social media that he has been hearing gunshots at Ward (4) No. (19) school side, Ward (1) west of Yan Taing Aung Quarter and at the west side of the Ayechantharyar Temple and the Yebaw Haung area on the morning of July 24.
He has been working to help war refugees and informed that he had to turn back due to gunfire while he was carrying rice bags for refugees near the junta Immigration office.
It is also reported that Kokang forces have already captured the Junta Infantry Battalions (41) and (68) in Lashio, according to locals and war news sources.
In addition, during the battles at Lashio, 317 members of the military council including the lieutenant colonel reportedly surrendered as of July 24.