KAREN STATE – An official from Galon Column informed that a completion ceremony was held for the fifth batch of basic military training attended by members from allied revolutionary columns, led by Galon Column, Southern Region People’s Defence Force (PDF), Sub-region 3, Military Region 2.
The ceremony was held at Battalion 6 of Karen National Defence Organisation (KNDO) Brigade 6 in Kyondoe Township on July 14 and the training, led by Galon Column, was held for three months from April to July.
It is said that revolutionary soldiers from Albino Tiger Company 3, Mon Liberation Army (MLA), Lion Battalion Special Commando Column, Galon Column and allied forces took part in the training.
The completion ceremony was attended by Colonel Naing Eaint Cham from New Mon State Party Anti-dictatorship (NMSP-AD), Colonel Sa Nge Lay, the external alliance military officer for Palaung State Liberation Front/ Ta’ang National Liberation Army (PSLF/TNLA), KNDO Battalion 6 Commander Mahn Johnny, Deputy Column Commander Soe Win of Galon Column Battalion 9908, PDF, National Unity Government, who delivered commencement speeches.