A spokesperson from the Thayarwaddy District PDF has confirmed that resistance forces attacked the Sit Kwin toll gate near Oak Twin village on the Yangon-Pyay road in Sit Kwin town, Minhla Township, Bago Region, resulting in the death of 8 military council soldiers and the seizure of weapons. The attack, which occurred on March 20, targeted the Sit Kwin checkpoint where military council forces had been extorting money from and arresting civilians. The operation was carried out by Battalion 3802 Division 2 of the Thayarwaddy District resistance forces.
The battle lasted for approximately one hour and forty-five minutes, during which seven military council soldiers were killed instantly and six others were wounded. During the engagement, resistance forces seized one carbine rifle, one ammunition magazine, 20 rounds of ammunition, various military equipment, and one motorcycle from the military council forces. Although the resistance forces attempted to burn down the checkpoint station, only minor fire damage was reported.
The following day, on March 21 at around 10 AM, resistance forces launched a remote-controlled mine attack against military council soldiers who had reoccupied the bunker at the Sit Kwin checkpoint, resulting in one additional death and four injuries. Battalion 3802 Division 2 of the Thayarwaddy District has warned civilians to avoid areas near military council forces and their affiliated organizations, as they plan to continue offensive operations against the military council forces who have been oppressing civilians and resistance forces in the region.