According to KNDF Central Information and Communications officials, during battles in Karenni State throughout February, 7 military council troops were killed and weapons and ammunition were seized. The military council’s airstrikes and artillery attacks resulted in 5 civilian deaths and damage to over 70 buildings. From February 1-28, the military council conducted airstrikes, drone attacks, and artillery bombardments targeting civilian areas in Loikaw, Demoso, Pekon, and Moebye townships. These attacks killed five civilians including a 10-year-old girl, a 10-year-old child, two 17-year-old youths, and one adult civilian, while 11 others were injured.
The military council’s attacks caused the most damage in Moebye, where over 50 civilian homes, 4 schools, and 4 religious buildings were destroyed by fire. In other townships, 8 homes, 1 medical clinic, 1 school, and 1 monastery were damaged. On February 5, when Karenni revolutionary forces attacked military council troops stationed at the Catholic Church in Moebye, 7 military council soldiers were killed, many were wounded, and 5 heavy and light weapons were captured. The military council conducted repeated jet fighter attacks, dropped bombs from transport planes, launched drone strikes, and fired artillery throughout the day.
Moebye is a strategically important junction city for the military council’s supply routes, allowing access to supply lines to Demoso as well as control of the Loikaw-Moebye-Pekon route. This is why the military council is launching intense offensives to retake control of Moebye. If the military council gains control of Moebye, Demoso and Loikaw could face increased military attacks, which is why revolutionary forces are strongly resisting. During February, 7 military council troops (5 with weapons and 2 without) defected to the KNDF, while 8 military deserters who fled the frontlines were captured. Throughout February, battles occurred sporadically in Hpruso, Bawlakhe and Loikaw townships in Karenni State, with particularly intense fighting in Moebye as the military council attempted to retake control of the city, resulting in the heroic sacrifice of 5 KNDF members.