According to Justice Soldier PDF, five military council soldiers were killed when resistance forces conducted drone strikes on positions held by the Aung Zeya column of the military council in Kawkareik Township, Karen State. The drone attacks were carried out by Justice Soldier PDF drone units starting from March 15, targeting military council troops stationed at various locations including Thaypaun Pagoda, Taw Naw, Shwe Kyat Min, No No Point, and around a nunnery in Kawkareik Township. The coordinated attacks resulted in the death of 5 military council soldiers and left many others injured, while resistance forces were able to withdraw safely without any casualties.
Currently, the military council has intensified its air strikes and daily clashes with revolutionary forces continue to occur. Due to this escalating situation, resistance forces have urged local civilians to relocate to safer areas to protect their lives and property. Additionally, Justice Soldier PDF has appealed to young people both inside and outside the country to join nearby revolutionary forces as soon as possible, as the military council continues to enforce military service laws and forced labor practices on a daily basis, affecting youth across the country.