SAGAING DIVISION – An anti-military dictatorship movement was held in Budalin Township on July 28 to commemorate...
Year: 2024
THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: It was known that Myanmar cartoonists had exhibited their cartoons at Myanmar...
SAGAING DIVISION: In Yinmarbin Township, “Nauk Pyan Ma Hlae Kyay Di Taw Hlan Yay (this revolution shall...
CHIN STATE – Chinland Council reported that fifteen junta troops were killed, two were captured alive, and...
SHAN STATE – Mr. Nyi Ran, United Wa State Army’s (UWSA) external liaison official, stated that UWSA...
MANDALAY DIVISION – The People’s Defence Force (Mogok Strategy) announced on July 28 that they were able...
RAKHINE STATE – The Arakan Army (AA) issued an emergency alert on July 27 morning, warning the...
MANDALAY DIVISION – Youths for Community (YfC) is reported to have provided rations to the households affected...
SAGAING DIVISION – Monywa District People’s Defence Force (PDF) Battalion 3 held a ceremony to honour and...
KARENNI STATE – Karenni based Warazein Team has successfully designed a drone that can bypass jammers, according...