MYANMAR – China China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi and UN Secretary General’s Special Envoy for Myanmar Julie...
Year: 2024
SAGAING DIVISION – The Revolutionary Forces, while attacking Mya Taung military base in Tigyaing Township, were reported...
SAGAING DIVISION – No.1 Military Region officially reported that a total of 18 terrorist junta forces were...
SAGAING DIVISION – Locals reported that the atrocious junta army bombarded Letpanchaung Village at northern Kalay Township...
SHAN STATE – The Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) reported on August 20 that two locals were...
SHAN STATE – Lashio Area Military Administration team is reported to have met the local civilians and...
BAGO DIVISION – There were encounters between the Revolutionary Forces and the terrorist junta forces that carried...
CHIN STATE – Chin news sources said that fighting is intense in Thantlang on August 20 morning...
YANGON DIVISION – Cooking oil, including peanut oil is running out in super markets of Yangon, the...
SAGAING DIVISION: Tapayin Township Brothers from “Those Who Collect Starfish Group” were known to have donated a...