According to reports, 16 young people have managed to escape after being forcibly recruited into military service following their deportation from Ranong, Thailand to Myanmar. Among the escapees, two youths named Thant Naing Htwe (aka) Su Su and Naing Win Htun have successfully reached the People’s Defense Force (PDF) in Myeik Township, as confirmed by La Yaung, the information officer of Myeik PDF. Of the 16 who attempted to escape, 4 were recaptured by the military council during their journey, while the remaining 10 have reportedly reached safe locations.
According to the accounts of those who escaped, they were initially transferred from the Ranong detention center in Thailand to Kawthaung city, after which they were taken to Infantry Battalion 431 where they were forcibly recruited as soldiers. After spending approximately seven days at Infantry Battalion 431, they were transported by boat to Shwe Du Education School in Myeik Township. They were held there as part of Military Training Course No. 9 for two days before managing to escape as a group at around 1:30 AM on February 3rd. The escape was carefully planned and executed despite the high risks involved in fleeing from military custody.
La Yaung, the information officer of Myeik PDF, explained that most of the escapees were locals from the Dawei region. They had managed to establish contact through regional-level communications channels and requested assistance, leading to their successful extraction through secure routes. As forced military recruitment by the military council continues to increase, the PDF has urged civilians to remain vigilant and called on current service members to seek refuge with pro-civilian forces. They have also emphasized the importance of civilians avoiding becoming hostages under the military council’s administration, highlighting the ongoing risks faced by the general population under the current circumstances. The successful escape of these young people represents a significant blow to the military council’s forced recruitment efforts and demonstrates the growing resistance against their oppressive practices.