A public protest rally was held in front of San Francisco City Hall in California, United States, demonstrating support for Myanmar people’s struggle for democracy. The protest, which was the 152nd consecutive demonstration organized by the Free Burma Action Committee-Northern California, was conducted under the theme ‘Break Free from General Crisis, Don’t Give the Common Enemy an Exit.’
The protest, which took place on March 8, brought together Spring Revolution forces, supporting citizens, and student activists. The demonstrators expressed their support for Myanmar people’s democratic movement, opposition to the military dictatorship, and demanded an end to the military council’s violence against Myanmar civilians. The protesters united in solidarity to make their voices heard on these critical issues.
Such international shows of support represent a significant boost to Myanmar people’s struggle for democracy. For Myanmar civilians struggling under the military council’s oppression, international community support not only provides moral encouragement but can also have practical implications. This is why these public protests continue to be held consistently. The sustained nature of these demonstrations, now reaching their 152nd iteration, reflects the unwavering commitment of the international community to standing with the people of Myanmar in their fight for democracy and freedom from military oppression.