SAGAING DIVISION - Anyar Pyit Taing Htaung Lay Myar Group was known to have donated...
English – General
SAGAING DIVISION - Anyar Posonekyu Lay Myar (Upper Myanmar Fireflies) Group was known to have...
KARENNI STATE - Karenni Nationalities Defense Force (KNDF) - BO8 announced on November 5 that...
SAGAING DIVISION - In Yinmabin Township, "Aung Lan Hlwint Myi Shwe Yay Kyi Strike Column"...
MYANMAR - The junta council's Ministry of Electricity admitted that the electricity cuts and outages...
MYANMAR - An official from Wundwin Township Revolution Force (WTRF) reported that a junta convoy...
MAGWAY DIVISION - Information Officer Shine Lay from 8+ Anyar Myay Coalition reported that the...
YANGON DIVISION - An official from Shadow SAF team reported that the junta council's Mingaladon...
MAGWAY DIVISION - PRA - Magway issued an official statement that the revolutionary forces attacked...
YANGON DIVISION - According to the local civilians, some extreme explosions occurred in the junta...