BAGO DIVISION- Comrade Kaungkin (sky), who is in charge of the military operations, reportedly visited...
English – General
MYANMAR- The Midland Region Guerrilla Force (MRG) said that PDFs stationing in the forest urgently...
MAGWAY DIVISION - Minbu district battalion 6 issued a statement on November 30 saying that...
MYANMAR: Southern Military Region, the People's Defense Force announced on the morning of November 30...
MYANMAR - The National Unity Government (NUG), Karen National Union (KNU), Karenni National Progressive Party...
SAGAING DIVISION - The National Unity Government (NUG) Ministry of Human Rights stated that a...
SHAN STATE - The terrorist junta council and its subordinate PNO militia used drones to...
MYANMAR - ABSDF announced on December 2 that a basic military education training ceremony was...
KARENNI STATE - The Karenni National Defense Force (KNDF) announced today (December 2nd) that the...
KAREN STATE – The Supreme Headquarter of Karen National Union (KNU) reported that five more...