MANDALAY DIVISION – Brave Warriors for Myanmar (BWM) reported that they successfully fired seven 107mm rockets at...
English – General
SAGAING DIVISION – Junta war ships have docked at Thaphankai harbour in Katha Township and junta soldiers...
MANDALAY DIVISION – The funeral of Comrade Than Htike (aka) Nyi Nyi, the finance department head and...
SAGAING DIVISION: In Yinmarbin Township, “Northern Yinmarbin Nauk Pyan Ma Hlae Kyay Di Taw Hlan Yay (this...
SHAN STATE – The terrorist junta army and Pa-O National Organization (PNO) set fire to Loi Lon...
SAGAING DIVISION – The Revolutionary Forces attacked the junta forces stationed at the entrance gate of Ye-U...
BAGO DIVISION – The Karen National Union (KNU) central reported that the terrorist junta council abducted two...
SAGAING DIVISION: Letpadaung Mountain Strike Force was known to have organised a revolutionary public rally to support...
MYANMAR – On September 3rd, the NUG government told the public to use all means to fight...
SAGAING DIVISION – Anyar Pyit Taing Htaung Lay Myar Group was known to have donated a meal...