BAGO DIVISION – An official from BTZM GBK PDF stated that they captured a fake monk working for the junta council in Gyobinkauk Township but the junta servant ran away and was killed in pursuit.
Around 3 p.m. on January 3, revolutionary soldiers from BTZM GBK PDF captured a junta informant disguised in monk robes that was sent as an advance to prepare for raids along the Aung Soe Moe – Bawbin Strategic Road into Yonechaung Village, Ayeywar Lay Village and Thinkhayein Village in Gyobinkauk Township.
It was found out during the questioning that he was sent by junta infantry division 66 to collect information on revolutionary forces and several military uniforms were also confiscated from him.
He was then brought along to be detained but he ran away midway and was killed in pursuit.
The official from BTZM GBK PDF stated that there are terrorist junta informers inflitrating into villages in various disguises and warned the allied forces, revolutionary soldiers and people to be vigilant.