MYANMAR- Revolters' Arm called the public to participate in the "Capture The Light Project Campaign"...
Year: 2024
SAGAING DIVISION- Locals from Letpadaung mountain led an anti-junta protest march last Thursday (November 14).
<!--...SAGAING DIVISION- Aunglan Hwintmyi Shweyaykyi Strike Column led an anti-junta protest march in Yinmapin Township...
SAGAING DIVISION: It was known that a public strike movement against the military dictator had...
YANGON DIVISION- According to Kayan Channel III, the junta army has increased security in front...
MANDALAY DIVISION - An official from Natogyi People's Defence Force (PDF) said that the PDF...
SHAN STATE - Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) reported that the terrorist junta soldiers of...
SAGAING DIVISION - The terrorist junta council is raiding the villages at the border of...
KACHIN STATE - The nine civilians, seven children and two adults, who were killed during...
BAGO DIVISION - The Ministry of Defense, Southern Military region, No. 2 military branch issued...